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The Team

The Deep Yellow management team brings over 500-years of uranium experience across globally significant operations.

Led by Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer John Borshoff, majority of this standout team played key roles at Paladin Energy Ltd, transforming that company from a $2 million explorer into the only independent, multi-mine producer in the last uranium cycle. During the peak of the uranium cycle, Paladin was the 7th largest uranium producer in the world, with a valuation of ~$4 billion.

The management team brings a strong depth of project development, operational and corporate capabilities and has successfully worked together in the past covering technical studies, innovation, marketing, finance, corporate, governance, legal and sustainability. Importantly, this team has well-established relationships with major uranium utilities and miners.

Deep Yellow is advancing a unique dual-pillar growth strategy, focused on building the next tier-one uranium operation. The growth strategy is supported by a well-articulated path for effective execution and a management team which possesses the necessary leadership and capability to succeed in an increasingly complex technical environment, from exploration and resource development through to uranium production.

Dr. Alex Otto

Chief Geologist

Dr, MSc, MAusIMM

Dr. Otto is a geologist with more than 18 years’ experience in exploration, resource development and geoscientific research. During his career, Dr. Otto worked on uranium, gold and lithium projects across Australia, Africa, and Canada.

Dr. Otto has been actively involved in uranium projects for Paladin Energy and Aurora Energy with a focus on drill programs, regional exploration and mineralogical studies. More recently he was project leader for MinEx CRC* to develop new approaches for exploration under cover in Australia. As Principal Geoscientist at CSIRO, he provided his expertise for research projects concerning exploration, orebody knowledge and geometallurgy. Dr. Otto’s experience includes the application and implementation of data science in geology. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

  • Doctoral degree from the RWTH Aachen University
  • Masters degree in Mineralogy from the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology

* The world’s largest mineral exploration collaboration bringing together industry, government, research organisations and universities to further resource initiatives.

Dr. Jean Corbin

Principal Specialist Geologist

MAIG, Member of the Société Géologique de France (SGF)

Dr. Corbin is a geologist with more than 20 years of exploration, research and corporate experience.

Dr. Corbin brings significant global experience, working on major uranium projects across Australia, Africa, Europe Central and North Asia.

Dr. Corbin has held senior roles for Areva (now Orano) in France and Paladin Energy in Namibia. He was actively involved in the successful exploration of the Muyumkum and Tortkuduk ISR uranium deposits in Kazakhstan and played a key role, as Project Manager in Mongolia, in the discovery of the Dulaan Uul uranium deposit in the Gobi Desert, which is currently in development.

Dr. Corbin provides the Company with significant geological knowledge, is a sedimentological expert and has strong technical skills, covering development of 3D geological and resource modelling, exploration concept reviews and assessments, targeting studies, technical reviews of geological data, geological data collection, processing and interpretation.

Dr. Katrin Kärner

Exploration Manager/RMR

Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), MAusIMM

Dr. Kärner is an economic geologist and geochemist with over 20 years’ experience in the mineral resource industry covering exploration, resource development, mining and academic research.

Dr. Kärner has spent most of her career in Namibia and Australia, primarily on uranium projects, with a major focus on the development and management of greenfield and brownfield exploration programs.

Dr. Kärner is an economic geologist and geochemist with over 20 years’ experience in the mineral resource industry covering exploration, resource development, mining and academic research.

  • PhD: Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
  • Degree (Geology and Palaeontology): Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Mr. Martin Hirsch

Manager Resources & Pre-Development/RMR


Mr. Hirsch is an experienced geologist with 30 years of mining experience, focusing mainly on opencast mining and exploration project management in uranium and diamonds.

Mr. Hirsch has held senior roles for major uranium companies over a number of years including Chief Geologist at Rio Tinto’s Rössing uranium mine and Operations Geologist at Areva Resources’ (now Orano) Namibian operations. His career also includes holding the position of Economic Geologist for the Ministry of Mines and Energy in Namibia. His experience overs all facets of exploration and development, was the former Exploration Manager for Deep Yellow’s Namibian operations and is a Competent Person for the purposes of JORC and NI 43-101 resource reporting.

  • MSc (Physics), MSc (Geology): Johan Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt

Ms. Cathy Paxton

Head of Sustainable Development


Ms. Paxton is an experienced environmental scientist with over 35 years’ experience in environmental management and sustainable development programs across Australian and international exploration and mining operations.

Ms. Paxton has established and led key project management programs and successfully managed several environmental approval processes for major mining projects in Australia and Africa. She also brings a high-level of governance experience in matters including development, implementation and auditing of policies, standards and procedures for sustainability aspects to mitigate risk across the business.

Ms. Paxton has extensive knowledge and experience in the uranium sector, and has held senior roles for Rio Tinto, Cameco and Paladin in relation to environmental oversight of uranium operations from exploration through to pre-development and production.

  • BSc (Environmental Science): Murdoch University of Western Australia

Ms. Wendy Thomas

Senior Geologist – Data and Research


Ms. Thomas has over 12 years’ experience in uranium exploration, across roles in Australia, Canada and Africa.

With a background in exploration geology, Ms. Thomas has been involved in all facets of exploration and resource definition, as well as training and mentoring technical teams.

More recently, Ms. Thomas has been focused on database management and change management. She also provides analysis into the uranium industry with a primary focus on project evaluation and market activity.

  • BSc (Geology, Palaeontology), BA (Ancient History): Macquarie University, New South Wales