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Corporate Governance

Governance Framework

Effective and successful Corporate Governance is a primary and ongoing focus of the Deep Yellow Board.

Detailed policies, procedures and systems of control have been implemented to provide a strong framework to ensure governance outcomes meet the high expectations of the Company and its subsidiaries (the Group) and all stakeholders.

The framework for the Company’s corporate governance policies follows the latest edition (4th Edition) of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Principles and Guidelines. The Directors of Deep Yellow have developed policies and practices which they believe will focus their attention and that of their Executives on the extremely important pillars of accountability, risk management and ethical conduct.

The Company issues a Corporate Governance Statement each financial year. This statement provides a detailed overview on the practices of the Group which, taken as a whole, represents the system of governance.

Deep Yellow continues to review its policies to ensure they reflect any changes within the Group, or to accepted principles and good practice.

Corporate Governance Statement

Corporate Governance Statement

Audit and Risk Committee Charter

Board Charter

Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter

Sustainability Committee Charter


Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Procedures

Code of Conduct

Community Relations Policy

Continuous Disclosure Policy

Continuous Disclosure Compliance Procedures

Diversity Policy

Environmental Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Human Rights Policy

Privacy Policy

Radiation Policy

Risk Management Policy

Securities Trading Policy

Shareholder Communication and Investor Relations Policy

Supplier Code of Conduct

Whistleblower Policy

